{"id":57437,"date":"2019-01-15T06:31:28","date_gmt":"2019-01-15T06:31:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/xenodochial-archimedes.45-76-20-142.plesk.page\/2019x101x15-tips-for-raising-readers\/"},"modified":"2022-11-29T17:59:58","modified_gmt":"2022-11-29T17:59:58","slug":"5-tips-for-raising-readers","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mrsbishop.com\/2019\/01\/5-tips-for-raising-readers.html","title":{"rendered":"5 Tips for Raising Readers – Mrs. Bishop"},"content":{"rendered":"
We\u2019re a family of readers. I grew up with a Mom who loved books. She started reading to me at a young age and I fell in love with reading too. As a parent, it was important that my son loved reading as well. So we started him young. And it\u2019s working!<\/p>\n
He consistently chooses books over other forms of entertainment. He reads for pleasure- not punishment. His vocabulary is extensive and his spelling is vastly improving. All because of books! I thought I would share some of our family\u2019s tips and tricks to raising a child who loves reading. I can\u2019t say they\u2019ll work for everyone, but in our case they\u2019ve really helped.<\/p>\n
1.) Read to them VERY young.<\/strong>\u00a0We started reading to my son when he was a baby. Board books with only a word per page, even. As he got a little older, the books got a little more advanced. We pointed to the words as we read them. We read the same books over and over, watching for his favorites. I still tell people that he learned his alphabet from Dr. Seuss\u2019s ABC book. I had it completely memorized and would recite it while driving the car, and he turned the pages in the back seat. Starting them young is really my BEST tip.<\/p>\n 2.) Read with enthusiasm. <\/strong>Yes, some kids books are not exciting.\u00a0<\/em>But, by reading them enthusiastically, you\u2019re making them more exciting to little listeners. Have you ever listened to an audiobook by a a monotone reader? SNORE! It\u2019s the worst.\u00a0<\/strong>Please don\u2019t do that to your kids. If reading isn\u2019t your thing- find someone who\u2019s into it and let them read to your kids if need be.<\/p>\n 3.) Let them help you choose the books.\u00a0<\/strong>Go to the library and let them help choose what to read next. We used to do themes. Like, one week we\u2019d read insect books. The next week, weather- and so on. Once he got a little older I let him loose in the kid\u2019s stacks and let him choose what we\u2019d read together. As they get older, get some books at their reading level, maybe some below if they find them more entertaining, and some above- that you can read together. Having a variety helps! It keeps their reading life from getting stale.<\/p>\n 4.) If books aren\u2019t their thing- try comics.\u00a0<\/strong>Or graphic novels. One of my son\u2019s favorite types of books to check out for him to read on his own, is Garfield comic books. He has spent countless hours cuddled up in a chair giggling out loud at Garfield, Odie, and John\u2019s antics. Sure, it\u2019s not Tolstoy. But, it doesn\u2019t have to be.<\/strong> He\u2019s reading- and also enjoying the act of reading.<\/em> Which is how you start creating a book lover. He has also started spending his own allowance on comic books- Captain America, Woody the Woodpecker, and Mickey Mouse being his favorites so far. {I even found a few Back to the Future ones at an antique store I\u2019m holding for him to read in the future!}<\/p>\n 5.) Audiobooks.<\/strong> We haven\u2019t utilized this enough in our home, but I have many friends who say audiobooks really helped their kids get into certain books. I mean I LIKE THEM. I tend to choose an audiobook on titles that I know are going to be a little too science and math heavy for me to enjoy reading. I\u2019ve listened to both The Martian and Ready Player one that way, and enjoyed them all the more. Listen to books in the car. When you\u2019re hanging out at home and coloring, cooking, or cleaning. My son is also really into those books on CD that come with the corresponding books that he can flip through. We listen to several on longer roadtrips.<\/p>\n \u00a0<\/p>\n How do you get your kids to read?<\/p>\n Stay tuned because I\u2019m going to share some of our family\u2019s favorite kid\u2019s books ASAP!<\/p>\n