Here I am pondering this past year, feeling a slight awe in how quickly it\u00a0has sped by. I\u2019m finding it so very true what they say about time with small children. The days can seem so very long, but the years are achingly short.<\/p>\n
So much has happened this year\u2026 and as I sit here, sipping my tea, listening to my early jazz Pandora station\u2026<\/p>\n
(side note: I\u2019m reading a book about Zelda Fitzgerald and every time I read about that era, I find I must immerse myself in the music. There\u2019s something about it that I fall in love with over and over again\u2026)<\/p>\n
But I digress\u2026<\/p>\n
This year, it\u2019s been a good one. As most know, we had a hard few years with a sick little boy, but we had a healthy year with only good reports. The threenager in him has been hard to handle at times, but as he is now almost 4, I am finding that this is such a fun age. One of discovery. He is developing his own personality, and already has a voice that demands to be heard. He is stubborn and hard headed like his Momma, a perfectionist like his Daddy, and a control-freak like the both of us. He shares our best and worst traits and mannerisms, but he is one amazing little guy. With his confidence and boldness, he may be our next president in the next 30 or so years\u2026so keep your eye out.<\/p>\n
I\u2019ve really focused more on my blogging this year, and I\u2019ve been loving it. Sharing Mom encouragement, my favorite well-loved recipes, some crafts and working on countless DIY projects. I\u2019ve worked with some amazing companies and have some fun ones lined up for this coming year. This writing has been a stress busting outlet. Even if I\u2019m the only one that ever reads it, I will always love it.<\/p>\n
On that note- if you feel the need to write. DO IT! \u00a0Even if you touch only one person, that is enough. Share your stories. Your thoughts. Your heartaches and triumphs.\u00a0You will feel so much better for it. Believe me- this year is proof of it.<\/p>\n