Today, Somehow My Little Boy Turned Five- Mrs. Bishop

I haven’t posted much this week, because I’ve been dealing with the fact that my little man turned 5 today!

How is this possible? Wasn’t he just a colicky newborn? A defiant Terrible Two…a whirlwind Threenager? I think 4 was my absolute favorite age, and I know it’s only going to get better from here. He has such a fun personality. He makes me laugh harder than I ever thought I could. And maybe occasionally, makes me one angry Momma. But, I would not change this amazing, smart, hilarious little boy one little bit. He has taught me patience, grace, and so much love.

bdayWe didn’t take many pics today, because we tried to be present and have fun as a family. We surprised him and took him to a local place that has bounce houses and mazes. Lots of fun things to wear him out. He also got to try his hand at old school arcade games and eat lots of junk food.


Then he got a chocolate Starbucks cake pop, and took a trip with Mommy to Half Price Books to read and pick out a new book. And lastly, he got to go to a candy store and get a whole bag of blue M&M’s- his favorite treat of choice. He’ll have his party on Saturday- but I hope he remembers today forever.

He had a blast and went to bed exhausted (after waking at 5 AM to declare that he was 5). And here I am crying into my leftover Valentine’s cake…

Slow down time- you’re flying by. I just want to enjoy this rambunctious, deliriously happy little boy a little longer!


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