Teaching Gratefulness – Mrs. Bishop



I’m super excited to be joining in a blog hop all about gratitude, inspired by Kristen Welch’s amazing new book, Raising Grateful Kids.

You know I love me a good printable, so I made this one for you, featuring one of my MANY favorite quotes from the book.

Our kids don't need more stuff or more freedom; they just need more of us.


As a mother of a young toddler, I worry that I somehow will forget to instill gratitude into my little one. On top of all the day to day tasks and things vying for my attention, it can be hard to practice the gratefulness that I want my son to see. But, by printing this out, I can use it as a reminder, that more than anything else in the world- he needs me. He doesn’t need the latest toys and gadgets. Those things will easily break or quickly be forgotten.

As he grows older he will learn by my attitude toward how I respond to things. And how can I expect him to be grateful if I don’t practice it in my day to day life? So, by practicing gratitude, and making myself available to him, I can raise him not to be entitled. By not letting technology steal me from him, and always making sure I am extra thankful for even the littlest things, he will raised to be gracious.

And in such an overly entitled world, this may be one of the most important lessons I teach him.

I hope you print this out and hang it in your office, place it in your journal, or tape it to your mirror (anywhere you will see it on a regular basis). As a tiny reminder- they need you more than ANYTHING.

And, if you’re a parent- definitely pick up this book. It will be an excellent reference to turn to in your parenting journey. We all know this is the hardest job in the world, and we need all the help we can get!

Raising Grateful Kids will be available January 26th- but you can pre-order it now.

Hop on over and read some other great posts about this book:
Inspiring an Attitude of Gratitude – by Alison
Rasisng Grateful Kids – by amanda
Why You Can’t Buy Gratitude At The Dollar Store – by Andrea
Missing – Gratefulness in our home – by Ange
Choosing Gratitude – by Angela
Gratefullness – by chaley
5 Steps to Gratitude-Fille Family – by Christa
Practicing Grateful Parenting – by Dana
Sing a Song – by Hannah
Cultivating gratitude in our family – by Jamie
Gratefulness In Our Home – by Jana
Gratefulness In Our Home – by Jana
Let It Begin With Me – by Jen
Choosing Gratefulness – by Jennifer
Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World – The Book – by jeri
Eradicating Entitlement – What are you rooted in? – by Jessica
Gratefulness in our home – by Kate
The Problem With Entitlement is that it begins with us – by Katelyn
7 Unusual Ways I Know How to Be Grateful – by Kathryn
Raising Grateful Kids – by Keri
How My Children Remind Me to Pray with Gratitude – by Kishona
Grateful – by Kristy
Entitlement: The Ugly Truth of a Beautiful Lie – by Leigha
The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Raise Grateful Kids – by Lindsey
Dear Son: How Do I Teach You To Be Grateful Without Guilt? – by Marie Osborne
Gratitude, A Practical Definition – by Mia
Cultivating Gratitude in Our Home – by Nancy
Learning Gratitude through Chronic Illness – by Rachel
Being Grateful – by Rebecca
I’ve Found Something I Can’t Live Without – by Sarah
The Power of Naming our Gifts – by Sarah
Outfitted – by Sarah Jo
Growing Gratitude in our Family – by Sondra
Teaching Gratefulness – by Stephanie
How Grateful Looks From Here – by Alison
Fighting Entitlement in Children and All of us – by Leah
Entitlement Problem – by Karrie
Grateful Today – by Krystal


*I was given a PDF copy of the book because I was on the launch team- all opinions are my own*

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