Give Thanks – Mrs. Bishop


In the bible (KJV), the word thanks appears 73 times. The word Thanksgiving appears 28 times.

I think, with those words appearing that much- there is a point to be made.

Give thanks.

Give thanks in ALL things.

Give thanks in the good times. Give thanks in the bad. Give thanks in the happy, and in the sad. Give thanks when things are hard. Give thanks when life seems uncertain. When you wake up the middle of the night, worried about life in general, give thanks.

Like the song says, “When you’re worried, and you can’t sleep- count your blessings instead of sleep.”

I know in life, there can be times when you don’t feel thankful. When the walls seem to be closing in around you, and you can’t even catch your breath. How can we give thanks when we can’t even breathe? But, HE has an answer for that.

“Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”
-Psalms 55:22 NIV

I’ve been there. I’ve been down into the deepest, darkest pits. Where I thought I couldn’t escape, and I couldn’t even pray. I couldn’t even form the words. I was angry and afraid. How could this happen to me? Why would God let this happen?

In 1000 Gifts, Ann Voskamp says, “Thanksgiving always  precedes the miracle.”


Before Jesus performed miracles, before he broke the bread to feed the 5000, he gave thanks.

Before we can expect miracles, we must give thanks.

Even when it’s hard.

When I remembered that- it made all the difference.

So, if this Thanksgiving you’re having a hard time, give it a try. Give HIM thanks. Be truly thankful. Share your Thanksgiving. And sit back and prepare for a miracle.

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