You know I always make a Bucket list of fun things for us to do as a family- but this year, like I mentioned before, I’m trying to simplify the Holidays. So, I came across this list, and I think it sums up my feelings exactly!
I could not for the life of me find where this image originated- so if you know, please let me know!
These all sound like great ideas to me!
We will however, be watching this list of movie favorites…because, we must. If you need an ultimate Holiday movie list- look no further:
-The Holiday {I’ve watched this probably 5x already}
-White Christmas {My mom and I watch this together every year}
-A Christmas Story {I just saw this for the 1st time last year}
-How the Grinch Stole Christmas {both}
-Charlie Brown Christmas {My son’s favorite}
-Christmas Vacation {My Dad and I love this!}
-Frosty the Snowman {obviously, again}
-The Muppet Christmas Carol {My favorite version}
-Miracle on 34th Street {Childhood favorite}
Now- to find the time to watch all of these….I better get started!
What are your favorite Holiday films?
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