Spring Bucket List 2019 – Mrs. Bishop

I just realized I hadn’t done a bucket list in FOREVER and I like to do them for our family each season. I’ve been reading Memory Making Mom and she really stresses the importance of traditions in childhood- and this is always a fun one. So, I thought why not share our 2019 Spring Bucket List with you? It’s just a few fun, simple things that you can do with your family and friends this Spring. And since we live in Indiana- it’s really just now warm enough to do most of these activities anyway.

Spring Bucket List

You can easily print this off and check off each item that you do. Let me know if you finish and tag me if you’re doing the Spring Bucket List on social media so I can follow along. Can’t wait to see what you’re up to this season! What should I add to my list?

Happy Spring!

Did you do our last bucket list? I’ll make a new one for this Summer, too!

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