The Mother Letters: Sharing the Laughter, Joy, Struggles, and Hope


I don’t usually blog on weekends, but since it’s so close to Mother’s Day, I want to share a great book for mothers. A book that would make a great gift for your mother, or to read if you are one yourself. The Mother Letters: Sharing the Laughter, Joy, Struggles, and Hope– brought to you by Amber and Seth Haines (the amazing writer behind Wild in the Hollow and her husband) is a compilation of letters written from all sorts of mothers in every walk of life. Letters for mothers, by mothers. First time mothers, experienced mothers, mothers who have lost children, adoptive mothers, step mothers and more. They each write a letter to you, mothers, encouraging you, applauding you, letting you know they are in the trenches with you.

Whether the letter written by Sarah Bessey, that reminds us that yes, we are mothers, but we are also people. To not sell ourselves short. To stay faithful to our whole calling- and by doing this we will be even better mothers.

Or the one written by Laura Bull, giving us permission to let go of our fears. To not hang on to our worries. These precious littles are God’s first. Who will better care for them? And advises us to remember that we’re not alone on this journey called motherhood.

All mothers, knee deep in the muck. Parenting along side us. Sharing their sage wisdom for all mothers to hear.

I loved this book, because the letters are short enough that I actually have time to read them in one sitting. Which we know is rare in any house with children. Each one is uplifting and encouraging. Balm to a weary and tired Momma’s heart. You will laugh out loud, have your eyes fill with tears, and nod your head in agreement. Each mother’s story and advice will touch your heart. And ultimately make you a better mother.

It may be the one thing you need to hear. The one piece of encouragement to help you keep on going. A sweet reminder that YOU’VE GOT THIS!

Pick up this book for your mother, that new mom friend, or even yourself. You can never have too much encouragement on this crazy parenting ride.


*I received this book in exchange for an honest review- all opinions are my own, this page may contain affiliate links*

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