This by far is my favorite, and busiest time of year.
We are constantly packing up the car and traveling to parties.
Sometimes 2 per day.
Every weekend this month we haven’t been home.
We just got back last night from a weekend away.
We’re making cookies, decorating, cooking, deep cleaning, errand running, present wrapping, carol singing- and just trying to make it through these Harried Holidays.
But, you know what? I wouldn’t change it for the world!
We spent this past weekend at my Husband’s Grandparent’s house, and he was up late into the night talking with his Grandpa. When he came to bed, I put my arm around him and told him to enjoy that time. Because, I would give anything to be able to stay up late talking to my Grandma again. She’s been gone 3 years this Christmas and I miss our conversations and Christmas party planning.
Our toddler was throwing a tantrum from an over-stimulated day. But, someday he may be married and in a different state, and I’l miss the Christmases where we were all under one roof.
I’ll miss the plethora of parties, as older family members pass on, and younger ones move away. I already miss the Christmases from my youth where my cousins and I gathered together on Christmas night to compare gifts and drink cocoa.
These days are fleeting and the season is short. Enjoy the time with family and friends.
The cookie baking and all of the food making means we have warm homes and food to eat.
All of the present wrapping means we have money to by our little’s gifts.
Cherish the delight in your children’s faces as they open gifts and take in all of the holiday lights. One day they’ll be older and won’t care as much, and won’t understand again until they have children of their own.
Most importantly, remember the Reason for the Season- Our Savior’s birth. How the son of God came to Earth to save us all.
Take a deep breath and try to enjoy this busy season. Take the time to take a break and take a look around and feel the Christmas spirit. It will be over too soon.