To Mikey on our 8th year,
Thank you for believing me, trusting me, allowing me to actively pursue my dreams. You encourage and never hold me back.
You put up with my crazy, my mean, my worry, and chocolate cravings.
You are always wearing a smile- even though I don a semi-permanent frown.
You love unconditionally, wholeheartedly, without reservation. You see into the deepest parts of my soul- and love me anyway.
You are the strong arms that hold me, the hands that wipe my tears. My shoulder to cry on (and butt to squeeze).
We’ve been through the deepest waters and the highest peaks, and all of the valleys in between.
You’re my partner in crime, my best friend, my geek, my lover, provider, and 1/3 of my heart.
I’m so thankful God saw fit to place us together- a perfect fit in the puzzle that makes up our story.
We have our daily struggles, tiffs, battles, and strolls through the mundane- but we’re on this crazy ride called life together…and there’s no one that I’d rather have sitting next to me.