Hot Tot



This season you’re going to be attending a lot of Holiday parties, shindigs, get togethers, cookie swaps, and on and on. And, on most days my Toddler’s hair looks like this:

morninghair(I wish you could see the back- cowlick city!)

So, when I’m dressing him up for all of these functions, I like to make it seem like we’re at least a little put together. And Hot Tot has solved that problem for us. They make child-specific hair products that make your little ones look great, but are also safe to use on their skin.

My little man loves having his hair spiked and gelled, but using his Daddy’s hair gel always made his skin break out– and broke out my sensitive, psoriasis prone hands when I was fixing it. Thanks to Hot Tot I can now fix his hair without breaking him or me out. And the style stays in place- holding up amazingly well for a super-active, always on-the-go little man.

Even if you don’t have a short haired little man like mine- they’ve got a product for you. From Baby Wash, Shampoo, and Detangler and Curl Serum for the longer haired, you’re covered. And they’re specifically formulated for children’s hair, because it’s different than ours. You can have a stylish Tot, and still feel good about what you’re putting on their skin, because their products are:


-Free of Soy, Peanut, Gluten, and Dairy

-Free of Parabens, Phthalates, and all of the other bad stuff

-Cruelty Free

And their company uses Eco-Friendly business practices.

When fixing his hair, I always get it damp and run the Styling Gel through it. Then, once I get it gelled, I put a little of the Structure Whip on the tips of my fingers and use it to help hold the style in place. It looks great, holds well, and smells amazing. He even asks for me to fix his hair with “his hair gel”. And people always compliment his hair when we go places. Even if you’re not a professional hair stylist like me, and need a few styling tips- they have those too!





The best part, is you only have to use a tiny bit, so these products last a REALLY long time!

Whether you’re feeling a little Rock and Roll:




Dapper like a Gentleman:



Or just your everyday self:




Had to- just cuz he’s cute!

Go ahead and give them a try, and you too can have a stylish little (even if you’re still wearing your messy mom bun!)

We’re definitely going to keep using these products- especially during this busy season, where people are constantly snapping our pictures.

If you wanna try them out for your Hot Tot, use code MRSBISHOP to get 15% off your order through the end of the year!



*I received these products in exchange for an honest review- all opinions are my own*

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