Category: Mommy Monday
This summer did not go at all as I expected. I had high hopes for creative playdates, park trips, and weekly pool visits. But my body had a change …
Why I'll never be sorry for oversharing my love of coffee!
I’ve been feeling pretty good lately about my Mom Skills. Despite me recovering from surgery and being pretty laid up, my little guy has still been behaving pretty …
As we transition into motherhood, our friendships change form and become something different entirely. Here's my ode to friendship in motherhood.
It's here. I don't know how- but we've made it. I am now the proud owner of a fully potty trained child! NO MORE POTTY TRAINING! I feel like …
Loving My Actual Life: An Experiment in Relishing What's Right in Front of Me by Alexandra Kuykendall is a 9 month experiment to learn how to love your actual …
Today I was “That” Mother. The one who rolled her eyes as she dropped her son off in the church nursery because I had just dealt with his …
Sometimes I feel the need to laugh at myself on this crazy parenting journey…I mean, if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. Amiright? So, I’ve decided that on occasion, …
Since it's mid January and a bucket of yuck outside (especially here in Indiana, because there's no snow, only rain), I decided to compile a list of fun things …
One of the hardest parts about being a mother is letting your child go, so they can grow.