A humorous look at Playdates today versus 30 years ago, and a reminder to not let the fear of judgement keep us from enjoying time with our friends.
Potty training…ugh. Of all of the things I’ve gone through as a parent- potty training ranks right up there at the top of my list of ‘least favorite things.’ …
I spent my weekend sick. My hubby had to work, and just got a promotion 2 weeks ago, so barring an emergency he had to go. I was …
Of all of the things I've gone through as a parent- potty training ranks right up there at the top of my list of 'least favorite things.' I've compiled …
Yesterday I started my own Facebook Mom’s Group. ‘Mrs. Bishop’s Mom-munity’ will be a place where all different types of moms can come together and support each other …
Sometimes I feel the need to laugh at myself on this crazy parenting journey…I mean, if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. Amiright? So, I’ve decided that on occasion, …
Let's be honest. Marriage is work. HARD work. And anyone that says different is a lying liar from liar-ville that lies. It is forever changing. No two days are the …
It has come to my attention lately that people are becoming very judgmental about the size of other peoples’ families. And not just “people”- Moms. Ladies, Momming is hard …
It's come to my attention that people are becoming very judgmental about the size of other peoples' families. Ladies, Momming is hard enough without tossing judgement daggers at each …
Every one knows you don't get a day off when you're a Momma.